Object Detection using ESP32Cam
This project is a final year project involving object detection using an ESP32CAM. The system captures images from the ESP32CAM, processes them with a YOLOv8 object detection models, and displays the detected objects.
GitHub: https://github.com/OmerGnscr/ESP32Cam-Object-Detection-Project
Object detection code:
import cv2
from ultralytics import YOLO
import supervision as sv
import numpy as np
import urllib.request
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from playsound import playsound
# CameraWebServer'inin IP adresi
url = '' # Buraya IP adresi yazılacak (Örnek: '')
# Model dosyalarının bulundugu konum
model_konum1 = "" # Buraya model dosyasının konumu yazılacak (Örnek: "C:\\Users\\Documents\\multi-proje\\yolo_models\\yvm-model.pt")
model1 = YOLO(model_konum1)
model_konum2 = "" # Buraya model dosyasının konumu yazılacak (Örnek: "C:\\Users\\Documents\\multi-proje\\yolo_model\\yolov8l.pt")
model2 = YOLO(model_konum2)
# Ses dosyasi
sound_file = "" # Buraya ses dosyasının konumu yazılacak (Örnek: "C:\\Users\\Documents\\multi-proje\\nesne-taninmadi.mp3
# Log konfigurasyonu
start_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
log_dosya = f'object_detection_log_{start_time}.txt'
logging.basicConfig(filename=log_dosya, level=logging.INFO, format='[%(asctime)s] - %(message)s', datefmt='%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M')
def CamAyar():
# Goruntunun boyutunu belirler. (Default: 640x480)
# (1600x1200: 13, 1280x720: 11, 800x600: 9, 640:480: 8)
boyut = 11
urllib.request.urlopen(url + "/control?var=framesize&val={}".format(boyut))
# Goruntunu kalitesini belirler. (Default: 34 - Ortalama)
# (En iyi: 4 - En kotu: 63)
kalite = 15
urllib.request.urlopen(url + "/control?var=quality&val={}".format(kalite))
def main():
# Objelerin etrafındaki kutular
box_annotator = sv.BoxAnnotator(
while True:
# ESP2Cam'den görüntüyü alır
# IP adresine istek (request) gönderir ve veriyi (goruntuyu) alır.
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url + "/capture")
# Alınan yaniti (response) byte array'i olarak depolar.
image_data = np.array(bytearray(response.read()), dtype=np.uint8)
# Byte array'i cv2'nin isleyebilecegi sekilde goruntuye donusturur.
image = cv2.imdecode(image_data, -1)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Goruntu indirilemedi: {e}")
continue # görüntüyü alamazsa diğer görüntüye geçer
# Object Detection modelini calistirir
result1 = model1(image, agnostic_nms=True)[0]
result2 = model2(image, agnostic_nms=True)[0]
# sv (Supervision) kutuphanesinin kullanabilecegi formata donusturur
detections1 = sv.Detections.from_yolov8(result1)
detections2 = sv.Detections.from_yolov8(result2)
# Bazi objelerle cakistigi icin model2'den cikarilacak classlari tutan list
exclude_classes = ["kite", "refrigerator", "sports ball", "frisbee"]
detections2_filtered = [
detection for detection in detections2
if model2.model.names[detection[2]] not in exclude_classes
# Kac tane oldugunu saymak icin gerekli
counts = {}
play_sound = False
# Classların sayısını tutmak için
for _, confidence, class_id, _ in detections1:
if confidence >= 0.5: # Confidence %50'den yuksekse
class_name = model1.model.names[class_id]
if class_name not in counts:
counts[class_name] = 1
counts[class_name] += 1
for _, confidence, class_id, _ in detections2_filtered:
if confidence >= 0.5:
class_name = "tanimlanamayan nesne" # Model2'nin tum classlarini "tanimlanamayan nesne" olarak degistir
if class_name not in counts:
counts[class_name] = 1
counts[class_name] += 1
# Tanimlanamayan nesne algiladiginda sesi oynatmak icin
play_sound = True
# Log çıktısı almak için
if counts:
log_message = ", ".join([f"{count} {class_name}" for class_name, count in counts.items()])
# Sesi oynatmak için
if play_sound:
# Her bir class için ekrana text yazdırır
y_offset = 50
for i, (class_name, count) in enumerate(counts.items()):
# Ekrandaki yaziyi dikey yazmak icin (normalde yan yana)
y = y_offset + i * 50
# Class isimlerinin labels1 ve labels2 listelerine atar
# ve model2 icin etiketleri "tanimlanamadi" olarak degistirir
labels1 = [
f"{model1.model.names[class_id]} {confidence:0.2f}"
for _, confidence, class_id, _
in detections1
if model1.model.names[class_id] == class_name and confidence >= 0.5
labels2 = [
f"tanimlanamadi {confidence:0.2f}"
for _, confidence, class_id, _
in detections2_filtered
if confidence >= 0.5
# labels listlerinden classlari alir ve kutucuga yazdirir
image = box_annotator.annotate(
image = box_annotator.annotate(
cv2.putText(image, f"{count} tane {class_name} bulundu!", (50, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow("Multidisciplinary Project", image) # Pencerenin adi
if cv2.waitKey(30) == 27: # ESC tusuna basmak programi durdurur
# Sonlandırır
if __name__ == "__main__":
General Overview
In this project, a custom dataset for object detection with an ESP32CAM is used . The objects in the dataset include mavi_kare, mavi_daire, mavi_ucgen, yesil_ucgen, yesil_kare, and yesil_daire. The goal is to identify only these specific objects, and label any other objects as “tanimlanamayan nesne” (unidentified object). To achieve this, we employ two YOLOv8 models: Model1 and Model2.
Model1: This model is trained on our custom dataset and is responsible for detecting the objects we are specifically interested in.
Model2: This model is a more general object detection model that identifies objects outside our custom dataset. We use it to detect and label any other objects as “tanimlanamayan nesne.”
Also, an alert sound and a logging function is added to the project. When the “tanimlanamayan nesne.” appears on the screen, an alert sound plays. On the other hand, logging function is used to log every detected object in the image in real-time in a text file on our computer.
Explaination of the code
These are the necessary libraries that are used in project.
import cv2
from ultralytics import YOLO
import supervision as sv
import numpy as np
import urllib.request
import logging
from datetime import datetime
from playsound import playsoundpy
- cv2: OpenCV library for image processing and display.
- YOLO: From the Ultralytics library, used for object detection models.
- supervision: A library for annotating detections on images.
- numpy: A library for numerical operations, used here for image data processing.
- urllib.request: To make HTTP requests to the ESP32CAM web server.
- logging: For logging detected objects with timestamps.
- datetime: For handling date and time in logging.
- playsound: To play sound alerts when an unidentified object is detected.
url = '' # Buraya IP adresi yazılacak (Örnek: '<>')
# Model dosyalarının bulundugu konum
model_konum1 = "" # Buraya model dosyasının konumu yazılacak (Örnek: "C:\\\\Users\\\\Documents\\\\multi-proje\\\\yolo_models\\\\yvm-model.pt")
model1 = YOLO(model_konum1)
model_konum2 = "" # Buraya model dosyasının konumu yazılacak (Örnek: "C:\\\\Users\\\\Documents\\\\multi-proje\\\\yolo_model\\\\yolov8l.pt")
model2 = YOLO(model_konum2)
# Ses dosyasi
sound_file = "" # Buraya ses dosyasının konumu yazılacak (Örnek: "C:\\Users\\Documents\\multi-proje\\nesne-taninmadi.mp3")
# Log konfigurasyonu
start_time = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
log_dosya = f'object_detection_log_{start_time}.txt'
logging.basicConfig(filename=log_dosya, level=logging.INFO, format='[%(asctime)s] - %(message)s', datefmt='%d.%m.%Y - %H:%M')
- url: IP Address of ESP32. This is where the webserver is located.
- model1_konum model2_konum: These variables hold the location of the models in the computer.
- model1 and model2: Yolo v8 models.
- sound_file: A sound file that runs when the unidentified objects are detected.
- start_time , log_dosya , basicConfig(): These are used to configuring the logging function.
def CamAyar():
# Goruntunun boyutunu belirler. (Default: 640x480)
# (1600x1200: 13, 1280x720: 11, 800x600: 9, 640:480: 8)
boyut = 11
urllib.request.urlopen(url + "/control?var=framesize&val={}".format(boyut))
# Goruntunu kalitesini belirler. (Default: 34 - Ortalama)
# (En iyi: 4 - En kotu: 63)
kalite = 15
urllib.request.urlopen(url + "/control?var=quality&val={}".format(kalite))
CamAyar() function is used to setting up the camera options before the object detection starts. “boyut” variable is used tothe setting up the size of the camera and “kalite” variable is used to adjust the quality of an image that is taken from the web server on ESP32. In order to adjust this settings, simply sending and request to the certain endpoints on the server get the job done.
while True:
# ESP2Cam'den görüntüyü alır
# IP adresine istek (request) gönderir ve veriyi (goruntuyu) alır.
response = urllib.request.urlopen(url + "/capture")
# Alınan yaniti (response) byte array'i olarak depolar.
image_data = np.array(bytearray(response.read()), dtype=np.uint8)
# Byte array'i cv2'nin isleyebilecegi sekilde goruntuye donusturur.
image = cv2.imdecode(image_data, -1)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Goruntu indirilemedi: {e}")
continue # görüntüyü alamazsa diğer görüntüye geçer
This loop continuously captures images from the ESP32CAM. It sends a request to /capture endpoint to get the image and formats the image to be able to used by OpenCV. If an error occurs during the operation, it prints out “Goruntu indirilemedi” and continues to next iteration.
# Object Detection modelini calistirir
result1 = model1(image, agnostic_nms=True)[0]
result2 = model2(image, agnostic_nms=True)[0]
# sv (Supervision) kutuphanesinin kullanabilecegi formata donusturur
detections1 = sv.Detections.from_yolov8(result1)
detections2 = sv.Detections.from_yolov8(result2)
# Bazi objelerle cakistigi icin model2'den cikarilacak classlari tutan list
exclude_classes = ["kite", "refrigerator", "sports ball", "frisbee"]
detections2_filtered = [
detection for detection in detections2
if model2.model.names[detection[2]] not in exclude_classes
This part of code runs object detection on the captured image using both YOLO models.
“result1” and “result2” variables store the detection results from the two models. Then, the results are converted into a format that is compatible with SuperVision library. An object might be detected by both models at the same time. In order to avoid duplicates, some certain classes from model2 are excluded. And, detections2_filtered filters out the excluded classes from the second model’s detections. The parameter agnostic_nms refers to “class-agnostic non-maximum suppression.” This concept is used in object detection to refine the set of detected bounding boxes by eliminating redundant boxes. When an object detection model makes predictions, it often detects the same object multiple times with slightly different bounding boxes. NMS helps to remove these redundant detections and keep only the most confident ones. NMS algorithm will treat all detected objects as if they belong to the same class. This can be useful in situations where you want to ensure that overlapping detections of different classes are also suppressed.
# Kac tane oldugunu saymak icin gerekli
counts = {}
play_sound = False
# Classların sayısını tutmak için
for _, confidence, class_id, _ in detections1:
if confidence >= 0.5: # Confidence %50'den yuksekse
class_name = model1.model.names[class_id]
if class_name not in counts:
counts[class_name] = 1
counts[class_name] += 1
for _, confidence, class_id, _ in detections2_filtered:
if confidence >= 0.5:
class_name = "tanimlanamayan nesne" # Model2'nin tum classlarini "tanimlanamayan nesne" olarak degistir
if class_name not in counts:
counts[class_name] = 1
counts[class_name] += 1
# Tanimlanamayan nesne algiladiginda sesi oynatmak icin
play_sound = True
This part of code is used to counting the detected objects. For each detection, it, first, checks if the confidence is above 50%. If so, it adds to count for that class.
If an unidentified (”tanimlanamayan nesne”) is detected, it sets “play__sound” variable to True.
# Log çıktısı almak için
if counts:
log_message = ", ".join([f"{count} {class_name}" for class_name, count in counts.items()])
# Sesi oynatmak için
if play_sound:
If there are any counts (detected objects), it logs it to a text file.
If play_sound is True, it plays the sound file.
# Her bir class için ekrana text yazdırır
y_offset = 50
for i, (class_name, count) in enumerate(counts.items()):
# Ekrandaki yaziyi dikey yazmak icin (normalde yan yana)
y = y_offset + i * 50
# Class isimlerinin labels1 ve labels2 listelerine atar
# ve model2 icin etiketleri "tanimlanamadi" olarak degistirir
labels1 = [
f"{model1.model.names[class_id]} {confidence:0.2f}"
for _, confidence, class_id, _
in detections1
if model1.model.names[class_id] == class_name and confidence >= 0.5
labels2 = [
f"tanimlanamadi {confidence:0.2f}"
for _, confidence,
This part of code is used to display the detected object’s names on the screen. The for loop retrieves each objects’ class name and count. “labels1” and “labels2” are lists that hold the labels for objects detected by Model1 and Model2, respectively. The image is annotated with bounding boxes and labels for each detected object using the BoxAnnotator from the supervision library.
cv2.putText(image, f"{count} tane {class_name} bulundu!", (50, y), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA)
cv2.imshow("Multidisciplinary Project", image) # Pencerenin adi
if cv2.waitKey(30) == 27: # ESC tusuna basmak programi durdurur
# Sonlandırır
putText() function displays a text message about the objects that are detected.
imshow() is used to set the window name as “Multidisciplinary Project”.
The loop continues to process and display images until the user presses the ESC key.